Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Crazy Rumors: Why I'm obsessed with them

Can we talk about love for a second?

You know when you find that perfect one? When you just want to take it everywhere and never be without it? When it's the first thing you say hello to in the morning, and the last thing you think of when you shut your eyes at night? 

Well, this is that lipbalm.
What? I don't know what you think I was talking about... I'm talking about lipbalm love. Specifically, crazy lipbalm love. CrazyRumors lipbalm love.

That crazy type of lipbalm love that leaves you with 21 tubes of lipbalm (and I've even gone through several whole ones and repurchased them!). NO REGRETS. 

CrazyRumors is an AMAZING, AWESOME, WONDERFUL, FANTASTIC, (other adjective for best-company-ever) company. They're vegan (no beeswax!) and cruelty-free. Plus, they're run out of Georgia and the people are so, so sweet! :)

I've been buying these lipbalms since I first laid eyes on them in Whole Foods years ago. "Coffee lipbalm? That might be kind of strange... but it looks so good!"

And that's when I knew that I HAD to have some. I had Whole Foods special order me the four pack of their perk coffee flavors. It came with vanilla, mocha, amaretto, and just plain old coffee. 

And that's when I fell in love. With a lipbalm.

These things are so smooth, so moisturizing, so decadent that you WILL NOT BE ABLE to use ANY other lipbalm. Seriously. I have two of these on my nightstand, two in my bathroom, two in my purse, and some other ones rolling around my everyday locations. They're amazing. I don't know what more I can say. 

You need them. Or just one. But you'll be back... for more.

CrazyRumors come in many different flavors; hence, why I have 21 (and counting! hah). Here are a list of their current collections:
Dessert Flavors: Red velvet, Chocolate strawberry
A la mode: Orange creamsicle, raspberry sherbert, banana split, mint chocolate
Seasonal flavors: Orange clove, star anise, bee my honey (bee-free!), candy corn, gingerbread
New flavors: Ginger peach, pistachio
Au naturale (no fragrance)
My Stache (mint flavor, benefits Mercury Phoenix Trust)
Mystery Flavor (? It's a mystery...)
Leaping Bunny (benefits Leaping Bunny Program! How awesome is that?)
Citrus:  Orange juice, pink grapefuit, lemonade, limeade
Bubble gum: original bubble gum, grape bubble, mint bubble, berry bubble
Coffee: amaretto, coffee bean, french vanilla, mocha
Tea: orange bergamont, apple spice, peppermint lemongrass, spiced chai
Soda: cola, root beer, ginger ale, black cherry
Candy cane: peppermint twist, pear & peppermint, pineapple & peppermint, plum & peppermint

They also have tinted lip colors with their balm base named HibiKiss that come in tropical, coral, breeze, pearl, sunrise, and sunset.

NOW LOOK AT ME AND TELL ME YOU AREN'T DROOLING RIGHT NOW. That's a crazy amount of flavors! I will admit, I kind of have a pokemon philosophy when it comes to these... I gotta catch 'em all.

These are the ones I have currently:

Pistachio x2 (Can you tell I really like pistachio flavors?)
Chocolate strawberry 
Red velvet

French vanilla
Apple spice
Pink Grapefruit Juice

Orange creamsicle
Raspberry sherbert
Mint chocolate
Almond fudge (discontinued, sadly. Funny story about this one below)
Banana split

Bee my Honey
Orange Clove
Ginger peach
Gingerbread (comes out during holiday season)
Star anise

Candy corn x2
Pineapple & Peppermint

I've been buying these for a few years. Let me tell you a tale of one of my first flavors, Almond fudge...

Almond fudge smells exactly like almond fudge. What's not to love? Almond is my favorite scent, and with the overlay of cocoa and sugar I just about died and went to heaven. This thing smelled amazing. I can't describe to you how good it smells. Anyway, as you would guess, almond fudge was taking a ride with me in my coat pocket on a chilly autumn day during my freshman year at Georgia Tech. It was rainy outside, so I had my new raincoat on. Seeing as this raincoat was new and I was not acquainted with it yet, I would put the lipbalm in the inside pouches of my jacket. Well... turns out, those weren't actually pockets. They were connected somewhat to the inside of their jacket, but had a hole at the bottom.
One day, I went searching for my beloved almond fudge lipbalm, and it was no where to be found. I looked everywhere. I looked under my bed, my purse, my backpack, I even retraced my steps. I called up my friends and asked it if I left it in their seat cushions. My lips were devastated. It was chilly and all they wanted was some almond fudge lovin'. But almond fudge was missing in action!

It got worse.

Almond fudge was discontinued and I was unable to find it through any online source. I gave up on my search.

Flash forward a few months. It's the beginning of spring and the weather is just getting to the point where you can wear shorts outside. After cycling through a majority of my pairs of shorts, I finally reached the one.
During class one day, my lips needed some TLC (because what else am I going to do during psychology lecture?) and I reached into my pocket. And what did I behold?

It was the almond fudge lipbalm.

I was shocked. I thought my beloved lipbalm was gone forever, and here it was, in my shorts pocket. Ever since then I have cherished it and kept it safe in my lipbalm storage (yes... when you have as many as me, you need it). I rue the day that I run out of my precious lipbalm and cannot replace it :(
But besides dramatic stories about lipbalms...wait, what were we talking about?


I've shown these to a close friend of mine, and she's also become obsessed with them and their flavors. Her favorite is the chocolate strawberry. As for me, I don't pick favorites amongst my children.. (cough, almond fudge 4 life)

Please, please visit this amazing brand on their facebook and website
Send them love letters.
Be amazed.

I'm not crazy I swear.

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